"Institutional logics and forest managements: the conflict pitting Bulu communities against the rubber plantation HEVECAM in Cameroon - is it an 'envi
Laboratorio de Etno-Ecologia A cargo de Julien-François Gerber Martes 17 de Abril 2007, 12h 30 en la Sala de Reunions ICTA, Facultad de Ciencias, UAB (Barcelona) Key words : plantation, property, possession, conflict, Cameroon Summary : In 1975 the Kribi region (Southern Cameroon) became host of the rubber plantation HEVECAM, the third largest employer in Cameroon. The establishment of the plantation has been preceded by the expropriation of customary land and by the destruction of the rainforest used by local populations (among the most biodiverse of the Congo basin). As a result, conflicts - mostly latent - pitting neighbouring Bulu and Bagyeli ("Pygmy") communities against the plantation have occurred, especially during the last few years. In this context, J.-F. Gerber tries to explore a new way of looking at such socio-ecological conflicts by arguing that they reflect the struggle between two distinct institutional logics with different impacts on the environmen...